Hello! I know my posts are rare now that I’m working at a full-time call, but I went ahead and found time to put together my annual pastoral planner. You can find it on Lulu here.
Pastoral Planner 2025
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Jonathan Moeller
How in the world does Jonathan Moeller write so fast?! Even if he intersperses short stories between his books?! Ha ha haa! Here’s a list of his releases since last November:
- November 15: Cloak of Embers (Cloak Mage Book 10)
- November 15: False Image (A 45-minute read)
- December 7: Half-Elven Thief (Half-Elven Thief 1)
- December 7: Jeweled Curse (A 45-minute read)
- January 7: 2023: The Complete Short Stories
- January 24: Harvester (A 45-minute read)
- January 24: Shield of Storms (The Shield War Book 1)
- February 14: Leveling (Stealth & Spells Online Book 2)
- February 15: Damage Per Second (A 45-minute read)
- March 19: Dragonskull: Wrath of the Warlock (Dragonskull #7)
- March 20: Ghost Defender (A 45-minute read)
- March 20: Ghost in the Veils (Ghost Armor Book 2)
- April 12: Wizard Thief (Half-Elven Thief Book 2)
- April 14: Thief’s Favor (A 45-minute read)
- May 15: Cloak of Titans (Cloak Mage #11)
- May 15: Blood Walk (A 45-minute read)
Filed under New Release
Bach to Church
I daresay I’ve blogged about the Bach to Church collection, but today I’ll let you know that it continues to expand. Now there is a resource page, which includes playlists, a chart of Bach’s chorales that correspond to Lutheran hymns in TLH, ELH, and LSB, performance guides, further reading, and links. How cool is that?!
This is great for musicians, music enthusiasts, the Bach-curious, schools, homeschools, choirs, etc. PLUS, they have included a performance guide for Praetorius’s Christmas Mass! You may or may not know that name but be sure to check it out as you’ll be pleased if you do! ๐ Bach to church, Bach to home, Bach all around! Yay!
Filed under Hymns
Arguments for God You Agree With
William “Bill” Schroeder wrote Arguments for God You Agree with. ๐ Here’s the Amazon blurb (and I’ll include Rev. Dr. Heck’s endorsement as it’s helpful, too):
While offering our opinions and philosophies as a defense against anyone trying to convince us there is a God, our attitudes and actions betray us into admitting that He exists, that He is out to get us, and that we need Him to get us. How do I know this? Well, some of it I learned from Calvin and Hobbes. So please, step inside, sit down, and let’s learn from them. In this little book, the readers are challenged to reconsider their views on what someone has called the four most important questions: origin, meaning, morality, and destiny. When you are done reading this book, you will have to decide whether the author is just one more person adding his book to the countless others that fill bookstores and library shelves. Or this book has introduced you to Him, Who is both the Source and the destination of your life; and your life will never be the same. But how will you know until you pick it up and read?
“Most writers who address the atheist or agnostic try to marshal formidable arguments that demonstrate the wrongheadedness of that worldview. Not so this book. You will enjoy the author’s conversational style, his use of the insightful messages of Calvin and Hobbes, the fact that this book is not at all pretentious or stuffy, but one that seeks above all to communicate with people where they are. If you want to understand the Christian message without being preached at, this book will provide that understanding–with a touch of humor. And if readers let down their guard long enough to hear, truly hear, what the author is conveying, they will be richly rewarded.” –Dr. Joel Heck, professor, Concordia University, Texas
Welcome to my list of living Lutheran authors! Sorry it took me so long to update my blog and list! One hundred fifteen pages of apologetics and conversation.
Filed under New Release
Valerie Bodden books
Here are Valerie Bodden books released since I took my blogging hiatus:
- Not Until the End, Hope Springs Book 10
- Whispers of Truth: A River Falls Novel
Plus, she has two available for pre-sale. ๐
Filed under New Release
Kloria Publishing Update
Hello, since I took so much time off blogging (and who knows how long I’ll have time to continue on a regular basis), but here’s a Kloria Publishing update so you see their recent titles. Buy them all, of course! ๐ I’m a big fan.
Filed under Books to Purchase, Hymns, New Release
The Voyage of the Santa Evangelista
Rev. William C. Mack has published a book: The Voyage of the Santa Evangelista. He wrote is as a fictional story peering into vocation and evangelism. ๐ What great Lutheran topics! As we might expect, Rev. Mack uses the allegory of a ship and now we get to read an adventurous tale set just following the discovery of the New World. ๐
Filed under New Release
I know I’m more than behind on recent Lutheran publications. Still, I come out of my workaholicism to announce a new young adult fantasy romance: Domitian by Grace MacPherson.
Filed under New Release
For Better, For Worse
Today Ray Keating releases his 18th installment in his Pastor Stephen Grant Series: For Better, For Worse. This one is a short story/ novella (116-pages) centered on the wedding of two characters we’ve grown to love. ๐
Filed under New Release