“When to submit?” How is that for a loaded question these days? But, with pretty much only the weekend remaining, when is a good time to submit a piece of writing for a contest or deadline? Would “time to spare” make you second-guess yourself or present well-needed, hopefully well-earned, closure?
I’ve written about closure before so I won’t go into its mythic properties at this point. More, I’m wondering for myself. Am I done? Am I pleased with what I’ve produced? Do I just want this to be over?
So, writers, consider yourselves. Even if you are already past a deadline, how will you decide when enough is enough?
Part of me thinks some people just don’t want to submit. Ever. 🙂 Some submit like they are tossing a wad of paper into a wastebasket, without a care in the world. Some do it begrudgingly and, here’s the big one, most people try to make a reasonable decision. Is there really more time to work on it in the literal days before me? Would my editor feel better about having it a little early? And, will a few minor changes really be the difference between winning or losing a Reformation hymn competition? Maybe or maybe not.
Either way, if you submit or not, if you turn your attention elsewhere or determine to follow your dream on another day, I hope you keep writing. Maybe submission comes later!

When isn’t my problem. Other than for contests like this one, my problem is “where” to submit.
Hey, I’m going to aim high and post on this subject next Tuesday. In a hopefully encouraging way!
I look forward to it.