I have always wanted to be prolific. Seriously, I was a weird little girl who was always starting something new: something new to read, something new to think about, or something new to write. Some people aren’t so captivated by . . . I don’t even know what it is . . . productivity? Ambition? A wandering nature? A love of novelty? Some sort of random flow chart? Maybe you haven’t thought about it much, but I happened to come an article that made me think about it.
Bear with me if it seems like an odd connection, but being prolific, in family or writing, doesn’t depend on lots of free time, and I don’t think it depends on personality or self-discipline too much either. If an opportunity presents itself—in the form of an idea, recognizing a need, etc.—then we can happily receive it and grab the chance. We will all end up with a personalized, God-given number, and maybe it’s a bit premature to imagine oneself prolific or otherwise, lest we suffer unnecessary disappointment.
As Christian writers, we aren’t depending on luck (even if it feels that way or some describe it that way). Time will tell what God will let us produce and whether our projects influence others along the way. (Audience as grandchildren? Who knows.) And that’s ok. After all, His Son, His writing, His productivity and His prolific blessing are what matter most.
But we may as well go for it, right? It may be that we and our house will be happier the more we embrace the life and opportunities given to us, writing or otherwise.
To put it even more clearly: ladies, we’re not out of the running as writers. God is embellishing our setting, whether with marriage, parenthood, or other vocations, but writing is flexible enough that it can fit into our lives in unexpected, hardly-taking-time sorts of ways. I promise!

You mean I’m not the only one who people look at as crazy when I announce the crazy idea I’ve been planning out in my head? And it isn’t a terrible thing to be somewhat ambitious realizing that it is impossible for me to usurp God’s power and providence? Ah….thank you. I needed that one!