I’m always happy to broadcast writing contests, so here is another one for your consideration: He Remembers the Barren is hosting a Mother’s Day Contest. That blog has been a Lutheran voice comforting the infertile and wrestling with difficult questions for five years now! And, who hasn’t been assigned to write an ode to your mother? (Actually that practice is newer than you likely realize, in part due to the romanticizing of motherhood when maternal mortality was so high in the 19th century or so.) Anyway, I also happen to know that if you’ve ever wondered about the new novelist publishing through CPH . . .
Her name is Katie Schuermann and her first book was actually non-fiction, the namesake of the blog. It is a heart-rending conversation and commentary, encouraging faithfulness in the midst of infertility, appropriate both for couples experiencing the grief themselves and those who may not realize the toll such a scenario can cause.
It’s an eye-opener and I recommend it.
Following that, she wrote a Bible Study Pew Sisters, and then got into fiction with House of Living Stones and The Choir Immortal with more to come!
Let that be a lesson to us. Sometimes an unexpected project leads to another and another.
Anyway, your assignment, if you choose to accept it, is 600 words or less answering, “The most important thing I learned from my mother is . . .” Complete contest rules and submission instructions found here.
(I’ll try to remind you about it, but only a time or two.)

Thank you, Mary, for your faithfulness to me during times of suffering and for your example of hospitality. You were the first one to come over and greet my husband and me with a smile on our first visit to the sem. I like you.