I had some pleasant contact about the blog this weekend. In general, the reader was pleased that the Lutheran Author Page has expanded. Specifically, he was enthusiastic after seeing Frederic S. Durbin included.
Durbin has written at least two books, Dragonfly and The Star Shard. Both left very strong positive impressions on the man who contacted me. The tone of his voice as he spoke admiringly about the tension, suspense, and breathtaking endings was so earnest and believable!
I hope he will take me up on his offer to publish a proper review. Alas, like so many other things, it’s another thing on his list which he may or may not get to. But you, dear readers, consider reading some Durbin.
It does not sound like light reading. I’ll call it fantasy with fear. It is writing that acknowledges that horror is a literary and emotional element rather than fodder for B or C movies.
To me, a book absolutely different—from a Lutheran author, no less—is a special treat. Consider it encouragement to break stereotypes. Invest in less than common genres if you want to and aim to do it to the extent that someone will remember exactly who led them through that literary journey.
If you give it a try, let me know. Send me a review. For that matter, since we’re just encouraging people around here, feel free to send me summer reading suggestions with or without a full review.