Let’s consider etiquette a little more. Yesterday we looked at a link comparing and contrasting “thank you” and “sorry,” to offer a more cheerful, appreciative outlook and interaction. Well, today I’ll link to a book on etiquette I recommend. It helped shape my perspective and understanding in a surprisingly practical way.
I invite you to consider etiquette through this little number:
I was reminded of it after seeing it, unread, on my husband’s shelf.
It was a quick, pleasant read with thoughtful considerations throughout. And, if I were to highlight one thing to praise about the book, it would be this: it made me realize there is more in daily life to appreciate than I sometimes see. I appreciated receiving a better understanding, albeit perhaps it was one I should have come to through common sense years ago. In fact, now that I am remembering it fondly, I wonder when I can hand it to the kids so they too can see some of the reason and consideration that lies behind the humane practices coined etiquette.
I doubt the world will make a global return to previous forms of etiquette. Still, one person can make a real difference, as can one character in a book or a careful conversation or two. And cultivating thankfulness in every day life is a very good thing.
Etiquette has depth to plumb, as can the faulty, staggering way we apply it. May we write—and correspond with publishers—with that very much in mind.