It’s been nice getting to know a few new readers lately. There have been some helpful suggestions. One touches on this: would you be interested in me adding a Lutheran Writers’ Blog Roll to my site? It might be a neat resource for those seeking community with Lutheran writers, as well as another way to let Lutheran authors speak for themselves. What do you think?
Sermon-only blogs would be out, as would blogs that are mostly congregation-specific, for the sake of space and sensitivity. We wouldn’t want to confuse people about who their pastors are (the one who literally feeds you).
And, what would we do about those who call themselves Lutherans but may reject, for example, the bodily resurrection of the dead? There are some pretty famous Lutheran writers & bloggers who might seem like missing holes, but, um, I believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus and the dead and am pretty insistent on it religion-wise (1 Corinthians 15). I’d rather avoid them than be considered as strictly thorough as possible.
Such a project would have to rely a lot on people giving me input and I’m not sure I’d want to debut a page that is super short on content.
So, I’ll leave this in your hands. If you have, or know of, a Lutheran author’s blog I could add to a Lutheran Writers’ Blog Roll, let me know. I’ll debut such a page when I think I’ve got at least a respectable start. Deal? Good.
PS. I have some traveling planned during May, so I may be late to approve comments & receive recommendations on occasion.
Mary, first of all, I really enjoy reading what you write. It is full of images, witty, and worthy. I think a blog site for Lutheran bloggers is a great idea. Of course, I am Lutheran, I am a blogger, so, of course, I would. Sharing the Word of God as I apply it to routine, messy, sad, or fun circumstances is my purpose. God’s word is purposeful. It has given me life….