You’ve probably seen some of his funny Facebook stuff floating around: Chris Brecheen, on Facebook with Writing about Writing, shares both the pithy and the ponderable. I won’t say the guy himself would appeal to everyone, belonging to a very different worldview, but, being honest, there’s a lot on his website worth consideration and sharing, including today’s article on money-induced doubt.
I think we can all agree there is money-induced doubt for a writer. Let’s face it. There’s also never-heard-back doubt, can’t-find-readers/ can’t-find-feedback doubt, and my personal position of several years, why-so-much-stinking-silence doubt. 😉
But, it really is ok. Money isn’t what makes you a writer, nor is feedback. Don’t get me wrong, encouragement helps and money, contracts, and plain-Jane encouragements are things we want—maybe even need—to stay energized in the game.
Something that Chris gets into, however, is the breadth of it. So many of us struggle our talents up to skill and so many of us remain largely unrecognized for it.
Yet, it is in that struggle, in the actual writing, that I want to encourage you. Writing, art, or even life in general, aren’t meant to be easy. There are depths to plumb in every level and that is a very, very good thing. A gift. A series of opportunities.
There are times for self-criticism, sure, but let’s skip over the starving artist, ignoring the family stage, to remember that we are in it for those depths we get to swim, in content, language, and reaching out. Not money. Not even “a living”. Writing is amazing, even if it is a struggle and trouble, too.
Casey asks:Why can’t I sell my work? My friends all say it’s great. I do fine if I submit it to some tiny zine that can’t [sic] promises its writers only exposure and glory, but I always get rejected at the places that pay. Even places that pay just a few cents a word reject me. Help! This is so frustrating!! Am I just not as good as I think I am?