From the beginning of this blog, I tried to think of resources that would serve Lutheran readers and writers. I knew some would take more research than others, and I presumed that a list of living Lutheran authors would be the most helpful. Tugging at the back of my mind was also the topic of small publishing houses.
Let’s be clear: denominational publishers serve as an amazing resource. I do not intend to pit one publisher against another in any way.
Pastors, congregations, writers, circles of friends, and professional associates have established various publishing arms and offer books. So, if they cater to a specifically Lutheran audience, why not make a page and list them, too?
I know of a few. Grab a few non-CPH Lutheran books from your bookshelf and you’ll likely see them. Not Augsburg or Fortress—that’s denominational publishing—but Lutheran Legacy, Repristination Press, etc.
A lot of these exist because a tremendous wealth of text has become public domain or been newly translated. It shouldn’t surprise you to learn that Lutherans have had a lot of great writers, great books, and great stuff that can be translated into vernacular languages and modern applications.
Having said and duly applauded that, there are small fiction publishers, too. Lutherans are simply not afraid to found, run, or assist small publishing houses, in addition to fine work being done at denominational houses.
Please do a girl—and a field—a favor. Check inside a few book covers and let me know about small publishing houses of a Lutheran persuasion. Not just one where a Lutheran works, but a publisher of Lutheran material. What do you say?