Do you know about BookBub? My mother-in-law introduced me to it and so far it’s working out well for me as a reader.
Monthly Archives: August 2016
Useful Hymns
Useful Hymns by Lutheran pastor and poet Robin D Fish is now available in a second, expanded edition. It contains 200 hymns “for worship, prayer, and instruction in the Lutheran church, school, and home.” I look forward to seeing it and trying them out!
Filed under Books to Purchase, Hymns, Poetry
Kill a Pastor
I’m pleased to report that I’ve learned of several new releases from Lutheran authors, and I am particularly pleased to draw your attention to those which might otherwise slip through marketing cracks. So, today I want to talk with you about a slim volume titled Ten Ways to Kill a Pastor published through Grail Quest Books.
Filed under Books to Purchase, Reviews
Perfectly Counterproductive
Let’s admit something: because of sin much is perfectly counterproductive. These things don’t leave us at zero, coasting along. These tendencies and activities repeatedly—and purposefully—downgrade, debase, and tear us down bit by bit. Sin not only twists: it seeks destruction. But you and me, we can call things what they are.
Filed under As Christian Writers
Where to Review
I encourage you all to review more. There is simply a dearth of good reviewers for anything less than a best seller. A common question then is where to review?
Filed under Reviews
Alignment Review
You’ll remember I announced the recent release of Alignment: A Love Story by Lutheran pen Dangerosa Jones. Below is my Alignment review for Amazon & GoodReads.
Strong as Death
I’m pleased to announce a recent release! My friend from ages ago, Lutheran Pastor Chris Matthis, has published his first collection of poems for wider distribution: Strong as Death: Selected Poems.
Filed under Books to Purchase, Poetry
Planners and Pantsers
Here’s an article that was sent to me a while back about “planners” and “pantsers” in the novel writing process, exploring how some authors plan while others prefer writing by the seat of their pants or other artistic impulse. But, while it’s an essay on how to write a novel, what I find additionally interesting is how many particular authors view(ed) the writing process, both planners and pantsers.
Filed under Inspiration
Uses of Enchantment
Ok, I was a bit remiss in a previous post and a friend alerted me to it. If we’re going to talk about fairy tales, we should really include a recommendation for The Uses of Enchantment.
Filed under Resource
Write and More
Here is a happy article for your day: “Why Christians should Paint, Dance, Quilt, Art, Compose Music, Writer Stories, Decorate Cookies and participate in the Arts.” Write and more! Why not?
Filed under As Christian Writers