Do you know about BookBub? My mother-in-law introduced me to it and so far it’s working out well for me as a reader.
Basically, it’s a daily email advertising free or significantly reduced e-books. The way I read it is that people are offering the daily special to help gain reviews, and who among us can’t commiserate with that? And, since they are e-books, it’s at no cost to author or publisher. Win-win.
You specify what genres you like and wait to see what you can get. Pretty sweet deal, really.
The hard part, as far as using it as an author is concerned, is that you essentially need a bunch of Amazon reviews to demonstrate your book will have wide appeal.
Isn’t that often the case in this fallen world? You need something to get something.
Anyway, if you just want it as a readers’ tool, it’s nice, handy, and free, so that’s good enough for me. 🙂 And my mother-in-law, who kindly has loaned me many books over the years!
(By the way, I don’t know why BookBub calls itself that, but Down Under a bub is a baby or young child. I don’t know why, but I really like that slang. “The bubs” refers to kindergarten.)
Also, we’re fast approaching the end of my Blessed Giveaway! Here’s your last chance!
Goodreads Book Giveaway
by Christopher Mitchell
Giveaway ends August 31, 2016.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.