Virginia Voekler is a Lutheran novelist, and I just finished her novel, The Color of Ordinary Time. My review for Amazon is below.
Monthly Archives: August 2016
Fiction as Testimony to Truth
A few people have asked me to clarify what I mean about a theology of fiction. Below I will give an example. I also want to be clear that I do not mean to suggest we “develop” “a” theology. Rather, we can recognize how the revelation of Scripture, the Incarnation of Christ, and the means of grace simply seep out of anything that bears testimony to truth.
Filed under As Christian Writers, As Theological Writers
Blessed Giveaway
I released a book. Convention hit. Then the National Youth Gathering and the party conventions hit. Initial interest in my latest book may have started to fade away as thoughts scatter and the world wallows in its wicked ways. So, this August let’s a little good news: Let’s have a Blessed Giveaway!
Filed under Contests