I recently scored a little gig writing study questions. It’s pretty nice: read essays, think about it, and write up some related questions to help digest or apply the material. The essays are on mercy, which is a subject particularly close to my heart, and I’ll be happy to announce that book when it gets released sometime around October.
It has me thinking. Of course, I’ll focus on that project first, but maybe this should spur me on to add extra goodies to my own website.
For a long time, I’ve meant to write up study questions to go with Family Vocation: God’s Calling in Marriage, Parenthood, and Childhood. I know that pastors have used it in Sunday morning Bible studies and reading clubs. However, because of that, part of me wishes a pastor would just send in whatever he used. (Yes, even with tempering commentary, if he thought we worded something too strongly) (although that would surprise me as my dad and I are gentle people) In the meantime, people ask me and I have to turn them away to remake the wheel.
What do you think? Do you have opinions on study questions? Any tips for writing them? Want to send me any you’ve written to use with a Lutheran book?
What about author extras on websites? I can’t say I’ve bothered with them from others, but maybe it’s a new and growing thing. Shrug.
I expect this will also help me with my “one day” goal of writing Bible studies. Although, goodness, maybe I’d experience less personal pressure if I’d just focus on a single genre (!!!). 🙂
Happy writing! Wishing you well!
PS. Not to be overly repetitive, but . . .
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Family Vocation
by Gene Edward Veith Jr.
Giveaway ends October 01, 2016.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
And leave a comment here to enter my Strong as Death Giveaway!

It seems to me that some books, like yours, beg for study questions. If a book has a value as a resource for either group or personal study and reflection, including questions should be a consideration.
As for being torn between too many genres… I feel your pain.