Are you ready to think about churchly metaphors? I’ve been able to talk with several bright, theologically sound people about them lately, and I think you’ll enjoy an awesome distinction I was given. For the sake of clarity, we’ll briefly discuss the Good Shepherd and God as shepherd imagery.
Monthly Archives: October 2016
A Merciful Servant of the Cross
Sometimes I feared I was half out of my mind. I was bulging with my first child and I don’t experience pregnancy easily. I was busy on my deaconess internship, where I helped a half dozen people at four locations or more. I knew I wanted to write, but I could hardly grab the opportunities I heard of—I was never sure I had the time, energy, patience or skill. But I went for it and wrote in a mindful effort to be a merciful servant of the cross.
Filed under My projects, Writer's Life
In My Father’s Footsteps
Ladies and gentlemen, a new release has come to my attention. LCMS Pastor and founder of True Men Ministries, Rev. Ed Blonski, has released In My Father’s Footsteps: Devotions from True Men Ministries (Volume 1).
Filed under New Release
Wiping Tears
The image of God wiping tears is a powerful one. Still, too often I fear we are lacking in imagination. Is He only wiping superficial tears? Off an otherwise perfect face?
Filed under Uncategorized
Festschrift for Glenn Merritt
Looking for free essays delving into a Lutheran theological understanding of mercy? A new book has just been released as a Festschrift for Rev. Glenn Merritt, and copies are free for the asking!
Filed under As Theological Writers
Almost a Relief
The other day we took our smallest to a specialist and what we learned was almost a relief. Of course you want your child to be free of impediments, but its also almost a relief to recognize the truth and take it from there.
Filed under Uncategorized
Describing the process of backing a u-haul or trainer into a driveway is awkward at best. Just like doing it. But the other day I saw a firetruck returning to its station. Two guys hopped out, each to one side, presumably to help with traffic, blind spots, and making it inside. Awkward? No. It was a thing of beauty! Smooth and precise with a priceless professional quality!
Filed under As Christian Writers
Garden of Eden II
Garden of Eden II. A clarifying thought occurred to me about how I can imagine the Garden of Eden in perfection. Basically, it tentatively incorporates some later verses wherein God uses nature as an object lesson.
Filed under Theological reflection
Me, Myself, and I
CPH has a new release I am excited about. Rev. Dr. Michael Lockwood has written a book, The Unholy Trinity: Martin Luther against the Idol of Me, Myself, and I. Coming from a full-time pastor and doctoral scholar, this is sure to suit those of both studious and curious interest. May it be a great tool and gift of the church!
Filed under Resource