Ladies and gentlemen, a new release has come to my attention. LCMS Pastor and founder of True Men Ministries, Rev. Ed Blonski, has released In My Father’s Footsteps: Devotions from True Men Ministries (Volume 1).
According to the Amazon blurb:
In My Father’s Footsteps, Volume 1 is a book of Christian devotions by Ed Blonski, pastor, author, and podcaster. He’s been writing devotions for 16 years – drawing on his experiences as a husband, father, pastor, baseball coach, radio broadcaster, and Christian men’s ministry leader.
I can’t say I know much about the man or the book, but devotions for men are certainly more rare than devotional for women! (Odd that. Aren’t men still roughly half the population? Are they reading less? I suppose they’re attending church less now than they once were, but, still, surely believing-but-irregular-church goers still know they ought to be in the Word in some way.)
The title is poignant to me. After all, there are so many who have lacked fathers to follow and so many could benefit from fatherly figures granting Gospel, sharing perspective, and offering support, spiritual as much as any other. Role models, too, can be hard to come by for men who know they can’t be super men.
Anyway, get a copy and look it over. Let us know if it’s a good Christmas idea for menfolk in our lives! Maybe it can help us support others in following “my father’s footsteps.” 🙂
Rev. Blonksi has a podcast at here with additional resources for men through True Men Ministries.