I don’t respect it about myself, but I periodically google myself to see what I can see. That’s how I found a review of Blessed: God’s Gift of Love on a site that might interest you: Operation Actually Read the Bible.
Operation Actually Read the Bible is a blog that follows the author’s progression through the Bible, even in various translations, with book reviews on Christian fiction and non-fiction.That’s a great idea.
It’s useful, too, since we can use it as a place for finding our next book to read and encouragement to dig into the Word. In short, her operation actually is super helpful to others as well as herself. 🙂
I’ll link to her review of my book, but what I want to say first is this. I really respect her time commitment to her blog! That she is pickier on non-fiction than fiction and will “only review it if I can honestly recommend it and find it biblically sound and for the edification of the faith”.
So, reviewing my book, it was both interesting to her and passed her doctrinal review! Otherwise, it’s not the most glowing review, but it’s honest and I think accurate. As soon as I read technical, I thought, “Yes! My hesitancy about the book is the balance between technical and meditative content!” So, good on the blogger Becky, because she has a sharp mind, a great habit of reading on a variety of things, and the willingness to share with others. Becky, thanks!
The review:
I was interested in reading Mary J. Moerbe’s Blessed because this word has always fascinated me. If you read the Bible, you’ll see it popping up everywhere. It’s in the Old Testament and the New. It’s something that both God does and that we do as well. I had a general, fuzzy-and-vague notion of what it meant to bless and to be blessed, but, I wanted to know more. (I do think it’s one of the words that is easier to use than it is to define!)
Source: Operation Actually Read Bible: Book Review: Blessed

Yay, a review! Congratulations!
Each one of those–even if not glowing–is like gold to the author. I’ve been peeking in at Operation Actually Read the Bible for a few years now and find it to be helpful and interesting. I don’t agree with everything, but it’s a sincere effort to speak with wisdom in the light of Scripture. (Honestly, I doubt there are very many people in the world who agree with me on everything either.)