It’s election day. Let’s not talk about that. Let’s focus on something less angsty and more opportune! It’s always exciting to hear about open submission opportunities and 100 Ton Press has made such an announcement! In particular, they have a call for stories to be included in an upcoming collection, They Don’t Know I’m a Christian at the Coffee Shop. Sure sounds like a good thing to think and write about on an election day or any other day. 🙂
I bet this collection is an excellent example of answering the question of just how Christian does a story have to be with a diverse collection of unique voices, concerns, audiences, etc. A great opportunity!
Here’s their graphic:
Obviously, this is nice and open ended. Write and enjoy yourself! Write and tackle a quick subject. Five hundred to 15,000 is a great range for writing exercises and flexing some skill! Shoot, if you suddenly needed to shift focus for any particular reason this election day—or any other—you could write a handful and send in your favorite.
Collections like this are a great way to gain experience and readership, and to tip a toe into the writing/publishing process. And, you know what? Tipping toes can feel just as good to anybody, and it just takes a thought and a burst of dedication to do it!
I don’t think this publishing house is particularly Lutheran, but I know at least several of their writers are.
Deadline is December 1, 2016. Thanks for the opportunity, 100 Ton Press! 🙂

Thank you for the share! We look forward to having people share their stories. While we’re not particularly Lutheran as a publishing house, we have a number of Lutheran writers we publish for, and more than one of our books has a decided theological bent. Thank you for your submissions!