It’s black Friday so I thought I’d put together a little Christmas shopping list for nearly all ages. Ok, this might correspond a little to my mother-in-law’s request for Christmas hints. 🙂
Christmas Shopping List
- Dry erase markers for planning, doodling, and stocking stuffers.
- Sacred Songs of Christmas, if you don’t already have it. (This must be a re-release.)
- Julie Andrew Christmas CDs of your choice (here’s mine)
- Play dough. Take Christmas stresses into your hands and smush ’em via cheap, alternative stress ball.
- Movies, particularly Holiday Inn, White Christmas, and the Hunger Game Series. Ok, ok, also the Lord of the Ring collection  and maybe Harry Potter and Charlie Brown, but you’ve probably invested in some of those already.
- Possibly Scrivener.
- Appetizer fixings for inner redirection toward festivities and frozen goodies for late night needs. I humbly suggest Spinach Artichoke dip.
Oh, you have children, you say? Bandaids. Most practical, fought-over, mother’s favorite go-to healing “stickers” ever.
In other news, I hope to put together a little list of Advent devotions or resources, so let me know if you have any tips or recommendations.

This is such a fun list! Bandaids are a staple my mom has used for a while, and I also love raising the clearance bins after Christmas for next year’s stuffers. Pens and pencils, stickers and buttons, and mini craft kits are fun. 🙂
Agree- bandaids, frozen and late night snacks…love it! I bashfully suggest wine. Winking Owl from Aldi- economical, but wonderful. This compliments the spinach artichoke dip and Julie Andrews CD well.