I should get back to generally encouraging you as writers. So today’s post will list a few ways that writers like us can work together taking turns.
Let’s say, hypothetically, that I have six kiddos eight and under. I need a break and just can’t write as much as I’d like. Maybe it’s just your turn!
Learn from giants then take the torch.
During a storm, the one without electricity can take a break, but another may be writing away, even on the other side of the world.
During heartbreak, one person’s sharing may get the ball rolling on something tending hearts and souls.
One can comment on a need, and another can gather insight useful to it.
One person can have an idea, but another can flesh it out.
I know: we can divide and conquer so naturally since some want to write devotions, others studies, and then there are novels, articles, textbooks, histories, biographies, comic books, hymnals, etc. We can all have a part to play. 🙂
One can phrase, one can name, one can edit, one can publish, etc. We’re in this together.
I’ve been really pleased how much I’ve gotten to know some of you. God has blessed me through you and I am more confident now than ever that Lutheran writers have many gifts to share with the world. 🙂 We may just be taking turns as we do it! Um, I may be sticking with encouragement for a while, so let me know how I can help.
PS. I still have a number of reviews to post, but I don’t want to post a whole slew of them in a row.

Thank you! All encouragement is highly appreciated! 🙂
This is just exactly what many of us needed today!
“…we can divide and conquer so naturally since some want to write devotions, others studies, and then there are novels, articles, textbooks, histories, biographies, comic books, hymnals, etc. We can all have a part to play.”
Yes, with ebb and flow within each area — including curriculum writing! All so true.
Yet in all things He causes us to persevere, strengthened yet again.
Thanks, Mary.