I’ve gotten some happy news. My children’s book, How Can I Help, is part of a special education curriculum through Memoria Press, and that “Simply Classical Curriculum” has won First Place in The Old Schoolhouse EE Award for 2016!
I may not be an expert, but Cheryl Swope, Lutheran educator and writer, is. She has become a big proponent for classical homeschool education, especially for those with learning disabilities, however severe. You can see where to start here.
Cheryl has a great book on the topic, Simply Classical: A Beautiful Education for Any Child. She has done a lot of working helping to craft the different levels now available. LCMS Lutheran that she is, she also tried to include at least one CPH book for each year! 🙂
So, basically, awesome!
If you ever come across someone seeking easy-to-use Christian material for their special needs child, whether in homeschool or supplementation, Simply Classical Curriculum may be a great option. Definitely Lutheran-friendly. Joni Walker‘s books, Jesus Knows Me and Jesus Hears Me, I think, are used with level A. How can I Help is with level B. Memoria Press also seems to be a fan of The Story Bible, which is also excellent. MP uses it for several levels, including C, 1, and 2. The upcoming level 3, releasing this summer, will even include a writing program based it! AWESOME!