Today’s post is almost a two-for-one. Newly published Lutheran author Andrea L. Schultz has just debuted her first two buy-able works: The Hatastrophe for children and Small Town Super Nobody, a novella for the rest of us.
There are many things to like about AL Schultz. First, she writes for pleasure. Second, she respects the words of CS Lewis: “Let there be wicked kings and beheadings, battles and dungeons, giants and dragons, and let villains be soundly killed at the end of the book.” You can call me crazy, but I call that cathartic and so little is truly cathartic these days.
Anyway, here’s her website: The Story Folder. She has a page for her stories (so you don’t even have to buy Small Town Super Nobody unless you prefer to read it on Kindle), which I appreciate. Maybe I can work up to that, too! I’ll link that below, too, with her Amazon pages.
Also, novellas are great. I think short stories and novellas are a wonderful way to craft one’s writing and spend a pleasurable time reading. Too often we force things to go too long! Genres exist for reasons, and it can be liberating to embrace them for their own person strengths.
Small Town Super Nobody should make for great summer reading, and The Hatastrophe is suitable for ages 4 to 7 or so. (The illustrations are great! Amazing job, Andrea!)
Without further ado, welcome to our Lutheran Author’s Page and the scary world of post-publishment! 😉