My five year old came up to me recently with a big declaration: “I want to be an artist when I grow up!”
“Excellent,” I said. “And even if you have another job, too, you can always find time to make something beautiful!”
Margaret grew pensive. “Do I need to sign up for it?”
“Nope. And, you can start right away or any time you’d like!”
Ladies and gentlemen, let’s follow her example and make something beautiful. No need to put it off past today, even if we can only make a start or a daydream of a start.
I want to be an artist when I grow up, too: an artist with words!

Love this! My 11 y/o wants to be an artist, too, and has for a while. While she’s changed what she wants to do in addition to art (ballerina-detective, zoologist, art teacher, professional artist), she’s always had a deep need to create things on paper. 🙂