I have now seen it all. Maybe you’ve seen it, too: Rev. Jonathan Fisk posted a picture of Reasons Not to be Lutheran: A Complete, Exhaustive and Certain Guide by Dr. Thomas D. McAdam.
How does one describe Jonathan Fisk if you’re unaware of him? Ah, but now that he’s with KFUO, I can call him a Radio Personality! He’s made many a splash through his work with “Worldview Everlasting” (website and Youtube) and Seven “Christian” Rules that Every Christian Ought to Break.
Why in the world would Rev. Fisk promote a book with such a provocative title? Well, did you catch his title above? 🙂
Looking for a gag gift to give a die-hard Lutheran? (Oh, here’s probably a place to list those odd-sounding supposed categories, entirely unexplained and un-endorsed!) Confessional? Orthodox-but-not-eastern? Gnesio? Bronze Ager? Pietist? Old Lutheran? Repristinationist? Neo-Lutheran? Radical? High Church? Low? Luther-just-wanted-us-called-Christian? Check it out!
I missed the initial release, which was appropriately April 1st, 2016, but at least I got a chuckle today from Fisk’s Facebook newsfeed. He also had a reveal in a video the other day.
Who doesn’t like an occasional gag-gift? And, who can’t use a few extra blank pages in the house? Admittedly, I daresay I won’t be reviewing this one! 😉