I don’t poke around blogs as much as I used to, but I’ve seen review blogs post books received or books pending reviews. Here’s my first such review list, although I must be painfully clear. No promises on when books will be read or reviews written. I just can’t handle a book review blog and would generally rather encourage others to pursue their own writing. Still, you know, I want to do what I can.
Pending Review List
In no particular order:
- Creation, Fall, Promise (a cool children’s book showing God’s works, creative and redemptive, through the days of creation and the eighth day)
- Fred Baue’s next book, Flight
- Grace Alone
- The Messengers: Discovered
- Martin Luther in His Own Words: Essential Writings of the Reformation
- Grace upon Grace
- The Harvest Raise
- Domestic Horror Stories
- The Clairmont Series
- The Other Side of the Pulpit
- Curse of the Eraser
- The Keeper
- The Keeper’s Son
- The Pilgrims
- The Baker and Malachi
Feel free to send me suggestions or, better yet, free books. 🙂 And, may this list help me remember some the treasures I already have.
I do hope to read more regularly now that my youngest are potty training. See? This is how stay-at-home-moms can dream. 😀