Hello, everybody. I’ve been gathering free Lutheran resources for my “Crafts and Crafted-for-Free” resource page, and I thought I’d bring you up to speed. The latest add is a set of free PDFs titled Kids in the Divine Service. They were put together by Rev. Christopher Thoma (who was a DCE before becoming an LCMS pastor) and the LCMS Commission on Worship (hm, perhaps former commission on worship).
As you know, I am adamant that there should be kids in the Divine Service, receiving God’s gifts along with everyone else. And, I am extraordinarily pleased to see that the LCMS has brought together both articles and free resources on a webpage to that end.
You can find the Kids in the Divine Service PDFs here, where they are described as follows:
Kids in the Divine Service is a series of bulletin inserts featuring seasons of the church year — Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter and Pentecost.
The series also features the liturgy, sanctuary and general information about the Divine Service.
Reproduction for individual, church or school use does not require permission.
I’m also excited and curious about the DVD also listed on that page: Children Making Music. Another free LCMS resource! So I’ve put in a request for a free copy and I’ll let you know more when I’ve received it.
Yay for free resources and websites that list them nicely, all together! Meanwhile, I’ll do my part by adding them to my own free Lutheran resource page. Be sure to check it out—I’ve been very happy to find all sorts of free Lutheran goodies!
Let me know if you hear about any more good Lutheran freebies!
I’ll also plug Rev. Thoma‘s other work and Grail Quest Books, which has really started producing quite a bit of both fiction and non-fiction! 🙂