I hadn’t heard they were doing it again, but apparently they are. CPH is once again offering the “Read like a Lutheran” summer reading program. They’ve tweaked the read.cph.org website and, so far, it seems easier than ever. 🙂
Monthly Archives: June 2017
God’s Harvest
Michelle Lynn Swope—who I introduced to you regarding her first collection of poetry, Through Time’s Looking Glass—has now released another collection to surprise, encourage, and ease your cares, one poem at a time: God’s Harvest.
Filed under New Release, Poetry
So You Want to Be A Writer
This is a good time to be reminded about Katie Schuermann, who has two great releases out this month! So, today we have a helpful guest post from her titled, “So You Want to Be A Writer?”
Filed under Writer's Life, Writing Tips
My book-idea-sharing extravaganza is almost over, just another one or two for a while. Write historical fiction about Frankenmuth and the Lutheran outreach to the Native Americans.
Filed under Shared Writing Ideas
I think there could be either a novel or Bible study treatment of schisms. There’s the biblical schisms against false teachers, the tension between Jerusalem and the Gentiles. Then, there are schismatic heresies: gnosticism, arianism, etc. A lot of rich stuff people rarely know about.
There’s the Eastern/Western schism. The Protestant expulsion from Roman Catholicism, and the concept of catholic is one still well worth considering.
There is the schism of divorce, of leaving one confession for another, and more. Oh, there’s the denominational affect of claiming to be non-denominational!!!! As though there are non-denoms stemming from various traditions! lol
What do you think? Could there be a single study over those? Or would a novel be able to treat each one separately to greater effect?
Filed under Shared Writing Ideas
Military Boy
Ready for this idea for a novel? Follow a military boy, whose family is in the process of converting. Have him write a journal as he processes the family changes and religious instruction. He could be stationed abroad, homeschooling, exploring liturgical life for the first time, considering the Ten Commandments, etc., struggling to process what his parents are accepting.
This idea intrigues me quite a bit. And, I think it could help people see how homeschooling incorporates religious instruction in a way both individualized and thorough!
Filed under Shared Writing Ideas
Do you know your denomination’s stance on Masons and secret societies? Because a novel could do a great justice to that topic. Continue reading
Filed under Shared Writing Ideas
Lutheranism in WWI
Is there historical fiction about Lutheranism in WWI? German churches and towns in Wisconsin changing their names and pronunciations in an attempt to avoid persecution? I think there’d be a lot of stuff to plumb for a novel or two.
Filed under Shared Writing Ideas
St. Louis Historical Fiction
Ok, this one relies more on my memory than yesterdays. It seems to me there was a great outbreak during the time of CFW Walther. The pastors stayed and fought to survive with their people. But what about writing St. Louis historical fiction about another pastor at that time?
Filed under Shared Writing Ideas
Dust Bowl
Historical fiction: are you ready? Follow a young Lutheran to boarding school at St. John’s in Winfield, Kansas. (It was a real two-year school, graduating something like 9,000 students.) Have him or her become a teacher (and organist, as was usual for the day). Then follow that teacher to the dust bowl in Oklahoma!
Filed under Shared Writing Ideas