Baker Academic has just released a great sounding book: Dictionary of Luther and the Lutheran Traditions! I heard about it from Prof. John Pless, who contributed. It’s edited by
A dictionary of Luther and the Lutheran traditions sounds good to me! I don’t know how historical vs. theological it may be, but, um, I’m sure it can answer all sorts of questions I haven’t even thought to think yet. I wish I could hold it in my hands to look up a few select entries already.
I haven’t seen the book, but I have seen six pages listing contributors with their topics. The authors all seemed certifiably academic, which is always a good place to start. And, there were enough names that rang familiar to me to hope many entries are theologically on par with a Lutheran-Confession perspective. The best case scenario being that theologically astute people wrote theological parts, while academically honest and accurate people wrote historical parts.
The LCMS clergy involved are mostly from the seminaries and Concordia System, with a few more sprinkled in. Some certainly-not LCMS figures are in there, too, but I’d be happy if anyone were to gift me a copy. 🙂
Here’s the Amazon blurb:
In the five hundred years since the publication of Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses, a rich set of traditions have grown up around that action and the subsequent events of the Reformation. This up-to-date dictionary by leading theologians and church historians covers Luther’s life and thought, key figures of his time, and the various traditions he continues to influence.
Prominent scholars of the history of Lutheran traditions have brought together experts in church history representing a variety of Christian perspectives to offer a major, cutting-edge reference work. Containing nearly six hundred articles, this dictionary provides a comprehensive overview of Luther’s life and work and the traditions emanating from the Wittenberg Reformation. It traces the history, theology, and practices of the global Lutheran movement, covering significant figures, events, theological writings and ideas, denominational subgroups, and congregational practices that have constituted the Lutheran tradition from the Reformation to the present day.
It’s good to know something like this has been produced. On the other hand, let’s remember the free Christian Cyclopedia online here.