The Spirituality of the Cross is an excellent book by Gene Edward Veith. Perhaps my favorite of his (though lesser known gems include The Gift of Art: The Place of the Arts in Scripture and Loving God with All Your Mind: Thinking as a Christian in the Postmodern World) . Spirituality of the Cross conveys both content and vernacular language with which to communicate theological substance, but, better yet, it is so well-written! I reread it yesterday, and I still marvel. It is inspirational to me, as a Lutheran and as a Lutheran writer.
Review of The Spirituality of the Cross
The original, published in 1999, was a tremendous introduction to Lutheranism. It quickly spread throughout Lutheran denominations and into other languages. The revised edition, published in 2010, includes “an updated bibliography, useful clarifications, and some new material.” And, it is as pleasant to reread as it was to read originally. This was Lutheranism 101 before Lutheranism 101 was written.
Again, to clarify, this book is not an in-depth look into theology of the cross. Theology of the cross is certainly introduced and applied to an extent, but the focus of this book is explained in the subtitle: Spirituality of the Cross: The Way of the First Evangelicals. This book follows the author as he explains in laymen terms areas of Christianity, and Lutheranism, sometimes neglected. Or underappreciated. Or less understood by laity.
This is a great book. Warm in tone and well-written for laity.
I especially appreciate the writing. If we could all learn to talk like this, and recognize the development of our thoughts this way, there would be a lot more clarity in our relationships and conversations. Things could, for a time, be gentler!
This is a great, positive, gentle exploration of some tricky areas in life, complete with a sensitive recognition of tensions and appreciation and dependence upon God and His work for us in Christ. A classic worth reading over and over again.
Ok, readers: do you have a favorite Veith book? 🙂

Have given this book away probably a dozen times to folks who have come to worship and have wanted to know more about Lutheran spirituality. Try to reread it every couple of years.