How about some happy international news today? 🙂 The hopefully-soon-to-be-ordained Vicar Sorin-Horia Trifa, a confessional Lutheran missionary in Bucharest, gave us a personal update about his Romanian book on means of grace.
Dear Lord, please continue to bless those who deliver Your Word and Your Gifts around the world. Amen.
I happen to think Romania is great. My sister-in-law is stationed there, though not for much longer, so you can imagine my delight to learn about the Lutheran presence in Romania.
Now, historically many Germans were brought in to farm and protect land otherwise attacked from every-which-direction. Smart. Successful elsewhere, too. Unfortunately a sharp divide continues between those of German and non-German descent. The Lutheran churches keep their services, texts, and schools in German, at times with minimal outreach to their Romanian neighbors and neighborhoods.
Anyway, Sorin Trifa is a gem. A Jesus-and-the-Confessions loving man starting a liturgical confessional congregation in Romania’s capitol in Romanian!
According to our latest update, the University of Bucharest and his committee had only words of praise for his new book: The Means of Grace in the Confessional Lutheran Church. In October the university will publish the book, and Vicar Trifa has also found a way to print it and make it available as an additional tool in his evangelism and outreach.
Thanks be to God! Yay for the shining rays of the Gospel and the great comfort and consolation of the means of grace!
Please say a prayer for the Romanian Lutherans. Actually, please include Czech Lutherans, too, for all the same reasons and in thankfulness to God that they have sent Vicar Trifa as a missionary within his homeland.
If you’d like to contribute in any way, sending books or sending a donation to expedite the printing and distribution of this book, but especially keeping them in your ongoing prayers, like and follow their Facebook page. (Yes, he is in fellowship with the LCMS.)