Let’s talk about pictures and analogies a little today. If I haven’t said it before, I’ll say it now. Analogies only go so far. To me, analogies seem to work best for adults who don’t press limits. Analogies are a loose way of finding examples. Pictures are funny though, because they have a close relationship to analogies, depending on what you’re writing about. Hence, I’m a little stuck in my current writing project. I want my piece to be biblical rather than analogous, but, well, Jesus used parables for very good reasons.
Monthly Archives: July 2017
The Love Bridge
Here’s a review of CPH’s most recent children’s book, The Love Bridge, by Jonathan Schkade. I’m glad to see Jonathan writing for an even younger audience than some of his other works, which I continue to recommend.
My Little ABC Liturgy Book
I know I announced the release of My Little ABC Liturgy Book by Rev. Gaven Mize back in the spring, but now I’ll give you my review. 🙂 (I’m on a role for writing reviews! Yay! It’s been a while in coming—I meant to review this back in April!)
Filed under As Theological Writers, Reviews
Romanian book on Means of Grace!
How about some happy international news today? 🙂 The hopefully-soon-to-be-ordained Vicar Sorin-Horia Trifa, a confessional Lutheran missionary in Bucharest, gave us a personal update about his Romanian book on means of grace.
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Spirituality of the Cross
The Spirituality of the Cross is an excellent book by Gene Edward Veith. Perhaps my favorite of his (though lesser known gems include The Gift of Art: The Place of the Arts in Scripture and Loving God with All Your Mind: Thinking as a Christian in the Postmodern World) . Spirituality of the Cross conveys both content and vernacular language with which to communicate theological substance, but, better yet, it is so well-written! I reread it yesterday, and I still marvel. It is inspirational to me, as a Lutheran and as a Lutheran writer.
Filed under As Theological Writers, Books to Purchase, Reviews
The Story People
I’m admittedly catching up on the CPH novels. Therefore, our review for today is on
The Story People by Heather Kaufman. First, I need to preface this. Heather Kaufman is a talented Christian writer, but she isn’t on my list of Living Lutheran Authors. She happens to not be Lutheran. Having said that, I’m happy to review a good book, and I think it’s good for us to know what Lutheran publishing houses are publishing in terms of novels.
Filed under As Theological Writers, Reviews
The Messengers: Discovered
My mother has inspired me to try to read 10 CPH books for their Read Like a Lutheran program (instead of just going with lesser-pointed books). It adjusted my reading list, bumping up The Messengers: Discovered by Lisa M. Clark. Boy, am I glad it did!
Filed under Reviews
Editing down theology
Editing down words and editing down theology are two totally different things. Both can stink. In fact, both can be excruciating.
Dictionary of Luther
Baker Academic has just released a great sounding book: Dictionary of Luther and the Lutheran Traditions! I heard about it from Prof. John Pless, who contributed. It’s edited by
Filed under As Theological Writers, New Release, Resource
Grace Alone
Today I offer you my review of Grace Alone, one of the CPH novels released this year, by Ruth Meyer.