Today is the release day for The Necessary Distinction: A Continuing Conversation on Law & Gospel!
Thirteen essays explore the implications of Law and Gospel on preaching, pastoral care, liturgy, mission and Christian living.
Interestingly, this book is put forth “for study and discussion purposes” and so hasn’t gone through DR.
Here’s a link to an interview with Rev. Pless and Dr. Nestingen.
Here’s the Table of Contents for your viewing pleasure:
1. Law and Gospel: An LCMS Perspective by John T. Pless
2. Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth: An Introduction to the Distinction between Law and Gospel by Mark A. Seifrid
3. Maintaining Law and Gospel in the Liturgy by William M. Cwirla
4. Law and Gospel in Pastoral Care: A View from the Parish by Peter J. Brock
5. Law and Gospel in the Christian Life by Larry M. Vogel
6. Properly Distinguishing Law and Gospel as the Pastor’s Calling by Mark C. Mattes
7. Luther on Law and Gospel in His Lectures on Galatians 1531/1535 by Naomichi Masaki
8. Speaking of the End to the Law by James Arne Nestingen
9. The Problem of Freedom Today and the Third Use of the Law: Biblical and Theological Considerations by Stephen Hultgren
10. Preaching Law and Gospel: Repentance and Faith from the Penitential Psalms in Lent by John T. Pless
11. A Royal Ass by Steven D. Paulson
12. Law and Gospel in Mission Theology by Albert B. Collver III
13. What Happens When the Third Use of the Law Is Rejected? by Roland Ziegler
Appendix: “God’s Word Forever Shall Abide: A Guiding Statement on the Character and Proper Use of the Sacred Scriptures”
There are many necessary distinctions in life. May Law and Gospel retain their necessary distinction in our lives, too!
Happy reading! And writing! (Not editing. I’m not currently convinced there is “happy” editing! ;))