There is a new Lutheran publishing house! Now, before you get too excited with your proposals in hand, I’ll admit it’s on the other side of the world and publishes in a different language. 🙂 Still, a new Lutheran publishing house!
I was so thankful to read about it on the LCMS blog.
In brief:
The distribution of printed materials has always been a part of the Lutheran tradition. It comes as no surprise, then, that the Lutherans in Sri Lanka have supported the creation of the Ceylon Evangelical Lutheran Publishing House (CELPH).
On Sept. 2, Naumann officially opened CELPH for operations, saying, “CELPH exists for the propagation of the truth for the people of Sri Lanka.”
In explaining the CELPH logo, Nauman said, “Jesus Christ is the light that lightens the nations. This light only comes from Christ.”
The CELPH logo represents this by placing the chi rho, a symbol of Christ, above an open book.
“Christ connected to the book symbolizes the publication of this light for the people of Sri Lanka,” Naumann said.
CELPH began by distributing catechetical posters, free of charge, to the members who gathered for the first convocation of the CELC.
Approximately 5,000 posters were distributed and quickly began appearing on the walls of the house churches where Lutherans in Sri Lanka meet to receive our Lord’s gifts. According to Naumann, there were even reports of some Hindu families placing posters in their homes.
Rev. Edward Naumann is an LCMS missionary and theological educator in Sri Lanka. I like and respect him for many reasons. 🙂 He has made a brilliant move with this latest idea! And, this article was reported by Rev. Roy Askins, who is also an LCMS missionary I like and respect, headquartered in Hong Kong. 🙂 So, um, if you’re looking for Lutheran missionaries or projects to support, I’m happy to suggest these!
Although, really, there are a great many confessional people out there. Lord, bless Your missionaries, their fields, and their families!
OOOoooooh! What a great connection to All Saints’ Day. Blessed All Saints’!