Lutheran Witness 2018

Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have my way, I’d write ahead, leave plenty of time for changes and updates later, and try to keep a list of projects I can work on. And, it just so happens that Lutheran Witness 2018 themes have been announced! We can look them over now and see how we can lend a pen! As Lutheran writers we have a chance to . . . dare I say it . . . plan ahead! 🙂

The posted listing:

Month Theme Deadline for queries
January Technology, screens and the digital world October 15
February Diversity and hospitality November 15
March Prayer and piety December 15
April Easter to the ends of the earth January 15
May The gift of children February 15
June/July Men at church March 15
August Poverty, possessions and generosity May 15
September Time and limitations June 15
October Ministry and mental health July 15
November State of the Synod*  –
December Christmas, the Incarnation, and the body September 15


I LOVE that they’ve posted this information. I LOVE that they included query deadlines! Love, love, love!

Adrian did a great job. Yay, for Rachel, too!!

More information for Lutheran Witness 2018 can be found here. Woo hoo!

To summarize the process, if you have an idea you can send an email to (Letters also accepted.) That email (or letter) should specifically include the following:

  • Subject line: LW query: [subject of proposed article]
  • Story idea in brief
  • Projected length
  • Connection to issue theme, news event or holiday (if applicable)
  • Sample paragraph (or links to one or more previously published articles)
  • Short explanation of why this article would be a good fit for our audience
  • Your credentials as an author (including social media links and the name and location of your LCMS congregation, if applicable)

The earlier you send a query the better!!!

The editor assigns things like deadline, word count, and any additional instructions. And, the editor has the freedom to post articles to either/and Lutheran Witness or the Lutheran Witness blog.

And, in all official speak:

All articles are edited for clarity, style and length; a doctrinal review board will also evaluate manuscripts for theological content. When possible and appropriate, we will send edited drafts to authors for review prior to publication. (Please note that we have the final say on editorial changes.)

Happy writing, folks! Get some in before the holidays!


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