Morning Star of Wittenberg

This blog is for writing-related stuff, which, to me, includes reading, too. So, although I did not blog about the CRAZY LARGE number of non-Lutheran homeschooling resources about the Reformation anniversary that flooded my gmail inbox, I did find one additional-to-CPH Reformation children’s book I particularly enjoy: Katharine von Bora: The Morning Star of Wittenberg.

Four Strackbein sisters worked on the text and illustrations. Don’t you love that?!

They aren’t Lutheran, but this is a really beautiful book about Katie Luther and Reformation times. I learned some things, and it really help to paint a picture and expand the historical verizon of daily living for modern/contemporary/present day children. (What’s a PC way to put it?! Present day, I suppose.)

You can read a review here and I may or may not type up  a review for GoodReads and Amazon later. (Either my allergies or a cold has really brought me down–but not enough to stop me from posting! lol At least today.)

I am happy to recommend it. It is a children’s book, but it’s a longer one. Not to the point of chapters, by it would take an older child to read it through all him- or herself.

MMmmm. I think this would best be enjoyed as a family read over cocoa and under blankets.

PS. I will state the obvious, however: do not give it to Roman Catholics. It is clearly not worded for that particular audience. You’re shocked, I know.

PPS. More random stuff about the expression, “morning star”:

  • John Wycliffe, who lived around 200 years before the Reformation, is sometimes called the Morning Star of the Reformation.
  • The Latin name of the Morning Star (“Lucifer“) has been given to Satan, as he has been referred to as the son of the morning.
  • Jesus describes himself as “the bright Morning Star” in Revelation 22:16, although that one is capitalized so, you know, not to be confused with other references.
  • Wikipedia suggests we can also speak of the Bible as  the “the morning star” given to “he who overcomes, and keeps [Jesus’s] works until the end” (Revelation 2:28).
  • Wikipedia also suggests it can be used metaphorically! lol
  • In some Eastern Orthodox hymnody John the Baptist is called the “bright morning star”
  • Lastly, in the Litany of Loreto, of which I am ignorant, Mary the mother of Jesus is called “morning star”


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