I thought I successfully watched Grail Quest Books for their new Lutheran releases, but I failed regarding a particularly spectacular spectacle: The Creation, the Fall and the Promise. Creation, fall, promise in one text with some absolutely breathtaking artwork by Lutheran Kelly Schumacher of Agnus Dei Liturgical Arts!
No disrespect to the Lutheran author, Joshua Radke, who has done other writing work I’ve enjoyed under a pseudonym, but the artwork in this book is AMAZING! It really elevates the book to something for every age.
(Am I supposed to link to pseudonyms, revealing connections? Ack! I’m pretty sure “Miss Manners” never covered the scenario despite her Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior!)
I read an early draft of the text and was impressed by the breadth and depth coming into the project. Again, it has achieved becoming a book for adults just as well as for children, despite the moderate length of 50 pages.
It was released mid-October. Still, at least I caught the release in time to purchase copies for Christmas. Depending on how hectic things are I’ll review as I’m able.
(I do wonder sometimes if I should double-post on books like this, both release days and reviews. Let me know if you have an opinion. Although, ha, you can cut me some slack, too, since I try to blog five-times a week!)
Blessed Advent to you and yours. (My typical “happy writing” farewell may be on the back-burner a while until my own writing schedule becomes a little happier after the holidays!)