LCMS Pastor Christopher Matthis has kindly offered a copy of his latest book, In the Shadow of the Cross: Sermons for Lent and Holy Week, for a Christmas giveaway through this blog. Woo hoo!
To enter this giveaway, comment on this post for a chance to win the copy. Sorry, but only those with USA or USA military addresses are eligible.
You may enter until Christmas Day 2017, after which time I will randomly generate a winner.
Until then I will (try to remember to) use a post-script on posts to link back to this entry.
Once again, I’ll refresh your memory about the content. Here is my previous post about it, and here is the Amazon blurb:
In this sermon collection for Lent and Holy Week, Pastor Matthis invites us to follow Jesus in the shadow of the cross through suffering and death to eternal life. This book is intended for devotional reading for all Christians, as well as for sermon illustrations for busy pastors and preachers. Preaching occasions include Ash Wednesday, Sundays in Lent, Lenten midweek sermons on free texts, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil.
In the meantime, also feel free to just buy a copy! 😀 Or add it to your Amazon wish list.
PS. Yesterday I mentioned that Joshua Radke also writes under a pen name. That pen name, used for non-fiction, is Joshua Rothe. As he is fine with me publicly linking his name(s), I can now happily mention his Stitched Crosses: Crusade book as well. 🙂 Know anyone interested in the times and activities of the Knight Templars? This is a fascinating novel and genre-piece!

This would be a wonderful resource to share with my pastor husband! Thank you for hosting this giveaway!