Are there any Lutheran Advent reviewers among my readers? There is so much on the market–free or otherwise–designed to refocus our attention at this time of year. How can we know what’s good?
Most recently someone asked me if I’d seen an actual copy of the Shepherd on the Search devotional. I haven’t. But my inbox is overflowing with things aimed at teaching me and my children the “real reason for the season.” Isn’t it sad that the Christian church can’t seem to agree on exactly what that is?
As Lutherans you may not know this, but there is an actual book out there, geared for children, that literally states the greatest gift at Christmas is “my heart” and that is the gift we give to Jesus. Sigh.
That is not to say all the non-Lutheran stuff is bad, however. Much as a child can know theology better than his or her parents at times, good Christmas stuff pops up from every corner of Christendom. Absolutely!
So, um, I don’t suppose someone wants to start reviewing things? Lutheran advent reviewers would be doing a service to their neighbors and their neighbors’ neighbors. I’d be happy to post a list of reviews, whether they promote explicitly Lutheran stuff or not. One of my favorite Christmas books isn’t published even by a Christian publishing house. It’s just a nice poem with a traditional telling and a way with words. But, especially since there are more than books on the market now: devotionals, programs, “new” traditions, etc., some sort of “reviewing house” could be helpful, explaining options for those who still have time and energy at this time of year. 🙂 (Can you tell I’m not quite the homeschooling mom I wish I were?)
Such a list could serve people by beginning to compile now and through the year to come for future years. Right?
Personally, I’m trying to simplify this Advent and Christmas season. Not always the easiest thing while potty training twins and homeschooling four. I’m not sure how long of a Christmas break I may take from blogging. I may just take it one day at a time. But if you want to be sure you don’t miss me if I start posting less regularly–I never actually meant to blog five days a week!–you can subscribe.
Rock on, readers and writers. For now I’ll content myself with checking my lists and rewriting them twice! Oh, and aiming to avoid naughty for nice! ha!