Folks, tell me about more Lutheran authors for my living Lutheran author list, because I am so excited by who I am finding! Today’s post is about Rebecca Lemke, another LCMS writer here in Oklahoma!
First, to wax on about Oklahoma a little. Sure, we have our problems—currently demonstrated by our ongoing teacher walkout—and we may be best known for tornadoes, but Okies aren’t to be overlooked.
I love that I’m finding the next generation of Lutheran writer right here, where I’m thriving. And, guess what: not only are William Weinrich, Gene Veith, and me alumni of the University of Oklahoma, Rebecca Lemke is a Sooner, too!
Yay for the mighty fine pastors here, including Norman (OU) Pastor David Nehrenz, my own husband dearest, and pastor-translator Rev. Christian C. Tiews, who translated Walter’s Law and Gospel: How to Read and Apply the Bible and Pastoral Theology!
Ahem, I’ll also mention an ol’ college chum of mine, Rev. Eric Brown, who wrote plenty of college newspaper articles himself at OU and is now old enough to be Rebecca’s “childhood pastor!” Ha ha haaaaa. He’s since relocated, but his dad, Rev. Gregory Brown, is still part of the Oklahoma Lutheran scene. 🙂
Back to the Point!
Rebecca Lemke’s published both fiction and non-fiction, starting with her best known work, The Scarlet Virgins. In it, she addresses the causes and effects of the Purity Movement, including spiritual abuse.
As Lutherans we have to admit that aspects of the Purity Movement have gone terribly, terribly wrong. Raising children as though life revolves around law, reputation, and what may or may not have happened to your body—like holding hands—will have dire consequences. Gospel needs to enter the picture!
Thankfully, we can read The Scarlet Virgins not only to learn some of the historical background, but for further cultural insight and to better understand the sometimes bizarre stereotypes people have. We can also read it for hope and healing, especially as these days we’ve all battled discernment doubts about chastity in our own lives.
This is a much needed topic with spiritual, physical, social, and emotional ramifications, and I’m thankful to hear that Rebecca is active on the topic!
She’s also written The Shadow Queen, a novella in the fairy-tale genre! Warm wishes to her as she continues both her outreach and fiction work!
Rebecca speaks, podcasts, and blogs at Blessings in all your vocations!