I’ve learned about a bunch of upcoming book releases that caught my attention. Here are titles and authors to help you keep an eye out for release dates, and, as always, at least adding them to Amazon wishlists, etc. 🙂
Two are from Emmanuel Press. The first features Katie Schuermann along with a collection of other female voices addressing the discussion of suffering in the Church while applying the theology of the cross to a wide range of topics. He Restores My Soul is set to release October 2018 and I look forward to it! Truly, to me there is a deep ongoing need to address suffering and theology of the cross. It’s just so counter-intuitive that it simply must be a part of ongoing catechesis, rooting us in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
(Let’s plug He Remembers the Barren now just because Katie’s work is so good in it. :))
The next Emmanuel Press book is The Great Works of God: The Mysteries of Christ in the Book of Exodus by Valerius Herberger, translated by Matthew Carver. According to the announcing blog post, “This book is an outstanding resource for reading Exodus devotionally, focusing on Jesus as the center of Scripture and the fulfillment of all the types in Exodus,” but let’s add that it will be available at an EXCEPTIONAL DEAL of $39 since the CTSFW 2018 class is sponsoring it as their class gift.
Herberger is a name I’ve heard great theologians mention, but I’ve never read because he’s largely still in German. Yay yay yay for this project!!! You can preorder now. The release day is May 8th!
Then, of course, CPH has announced several exciting releases of their own to come soon, including Faith that Sees through the Culture by Alfonso Espinosa, Digitized: Spiritual Implications of Technology by Bernard Bull, and (BIG DRUM ROLL!) the third and final installation in the Messengers trilogy by Lisa Clark, Revealed!
Keep an eye out for these and other books that will make great spring and summer reading! Oh, and let us know about exciting books, too! 🙂 Aren’t we always on the lookout?
Happy writing, folks!