It so happens that I have six children. That doesn’t mean I always fall into the philosophical stereotypes people may have of large families. I’m not into parenting philosophies at all: the size of my family simply reflects the number of children God has given me. I parent as I am able, by the grace and mercy of God, and I ask for quite a bit of forgiveness. Other than that, I mostly seek encouragement. I like to hear about parents who are not tired of their children and teenagers who are not angst-fiends. I like baby pictures! And, social camaraderie, digital or community, is pretty nice, too. With that in mind, today I offer a review of Mothering Many: Sanity-Saving Strategies from Moms of Four or More, edited by Lutheran author Marie MacPherson of Into Your Hands, LLC.
Monthly Archives: April 2018
Mothering Many
Filed under Resource
Just so you know, I have no idea why some of my links work but appear crossed out, as though disfunctioning or broken. That is, I suspect Amazon doesn’t intend for me to link to search pages, but made it possible.
I’m open to suggestions to fix it, and I’m sorry it’s so unprofessional in appearances. But, if I can tease a little, to me the best way to fix that would be for all the Lutheran authors out there to create free author pages on Author Central! 🙂 You can find a link on just about any Amazon page. I love Author Central and see no possible cons to the program.
I’ll eventually address the problem further, but I’m not sure when. Meanwhile, hopefully it isn’t too annoying, and, apparently go ahead and try links even if they are crossed out! They may still work! Who knew?
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Rebecca Lemke
Folks, tell me about more Lutheran authors for my living Lutheran author list, because I am so excited by who I am finding! Today’s post is about Rebecca Lemke, another LCMS writer here in Oklahoma!
Filed under Resource
Altogether Beautiful
Yesterday was release day for Altogether Beautiful: A Study of the Song of Songs by LCMS Deaconess Heidi Goehmann! (You know, Heidi.) Below I’ll link to a trailer for the video based Bible study and explain a little how it works. Woo hoo!
Filed under New Release
I’ve been trying to streamline a lot of areas in my life. You know: toys, attic, computer files, etc. I’ve gotten a good start on it, although I see why decluttering is a lifestyle rather than a two-week chore. Still, what surprised me is just how overloaded I got in the process. Not with what I was downsizing, not even with how behind in things I was. I was just visually OVERLOADED. So, I actually tried something new with my Bible reading at night . . .
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Spring Break update
I really needed that two week spring break. Although sickness swept through seven out of eight of us, I needed to rest from blogging and homeschooling, even if my attention was needed elsewhere. People. Rest. I recommend it. 😉 Below I’ll give a little update about where I am on writing-related things as my Spring Break update.
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Commemoration of St. Ambrose
Today is the commemoration of Ambrose, whose writing remains on our lips. Thank you, Lord, for Ambrose and for all who have served you with words and hymnody.
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