Ladies and gentlemen, this past Saturday marked the beginning of CPH Reads, this year’s CPH summer reading challenge. It runs through August 5, 2018 and anyone can participate, including non-readers who can be read to. 🙂
I expect many of you are familiar with their previous program, Read like a Lutheran. This one looks about the same. In short, adults can read 10 CPH adult books to reach the 1,000 points necessary to be entered into a drawing for prizes. Reading other books is fine, but give you fewer points. The grand prize is an Amazon Echo. Five will receive a copy of The Enduring Word Bible* and ten more will receive a copy of Embracing Godly Character.
I appreciate that this year the listed books are directly on the regular CPH website. I mean, why mention a title when you can include a blurb, right?
I did not need to create a new account since my family did it last year. I went to log in with my handy dandy saved information from whenever they started these (lol) and enrolled after updating my age. Then I SWITCHED to each of the kiddos’ accounts to update age and unroll them (Changing their age on the info page didn’t automatically do that.).
I have more than ten books on my CPH reads list and that is an understatement! I also appear to be doing three different reading challenges because I’m not decisive enough to choose between them. <sigh> But here are ten books I’d like to read and review this summer (although no promises!):
- A Flame in the Dark, a soon-to-be-released CPH novel that I JUST finished and LOVED! Woo hoo for Sarah Baughman! Five stars and I’ll write a few blog posts and a review of it!
- Demystifying the Proverbs 31 Woman by Deac. Elizabeth Ahlman. I’ve read and appreciated most of it, but then I lost it! Lost but now found, I’ll start over. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
- The Messengers: Concealed (I know: I’m behind in the dystopian trilogy for all ages.)
- The Unholy Trinity: Martin Luther against the Idol of Me, Myself and I
- Authentic Christianity: How Lutheran Theology Speaks to a Postmodern World
- Sexual Morality in a Christless World
- A Christian Pedagogy by Edward Koehler
- It’s out of print, but maybe it’s really good!
- AND, maybe we can make up a list of suggested books to bring back now that print-on-demand is easier than ages ago!
- The Fabricated Luther. Admittedly this has been on my to read shelf for a long time. But maybe this is the year!
- Science and the Savior: Advancing to the Future. One of two books I hope to read this summer by Dr. Angus Menuge.
- Last Summer at Eden
I have others, but I’m leaning toward this stack for now. 🙂 Suggestions? Comments? Wish me well! Warm wishes to you also!
Happy CPH reads and writing, folks!
*This edition is straight-forward text with margin lines for notes, pictures you can color, verses artistically emphasized in the margin, etc. Frankly, it sounds a lot like the Bible I plugged here so good for CPH! 🙂 Keep up the good work!