Julie Stiegemeyer is, by all accounts, someone I should have met. Maybe I have. She even looks familiar! Do you ever feel that way? I think we even lived in the same city for a spell! Anyway, Julie Stiegemeyer has long been an author my friends have turned to for children’s books (high praise in itself), so today I’ll review When Someone Dies Find Comfort in Jesus.
When Someone Dies Find Comfort in Jesus.
I am not someone who wants to be caught unprepared when something bad happens in my children’s life. So, I purchased this book largely based on its title and my general regard for its author.
To me, this is a way to introduce children to grief, not only for when they are experiencing it themselves but as a general way to prepare them for any grief they come across in life, whether it is their own or someone else’s.
The illustrations are realistic paintings, stylized just enough to not be too intense. The text starts with something of a definition and then moves onto exploring grief roughly a sentence a layout. Pages are dotted with encouragements about God’s love and quotations from young children as they experience their grief.
I think the layout clearly distinguishes between those three elements, while progressing through the visuals itself may be cathartic for the book’s intended audience.
I maybe expected Bible passages and references, but I’m still pleased with the versatility of this book. As a trained mercy worker, I see layers of benefits to how this book has been put together.
Good job, Julie! I hope I can meet you someday! 🙂
In other news
Emmanuel Press is now taking pre-orders for He Restores My Soul by Katie Schuermann and others and offering a 10% discount. 🙂 As a reminder about this book, which I mentioned here, here is an excerpt from the announcement:
Author Katie Schuermann is collaborating with a host of writers to broaden the discussion of suffering in the Church and apply the theology of the cross to a wide range of topics in He Restores My Soul, a new book set to release in October 2018.Visit our website to pre-order and save 10%! You’ll also find a complete list of authors and chapter topics along with a link to the cover artist, Rebecca Shewmaker.