I am so excited to hear that CPH is publishing a book regarding miscarriage!!! Never Forsaken: God’s Mercy in the Midst of Miscarriage releases August 28th, and I am already thanking God for it!
From what I gather, it is a collaborative effort under LCMS Deaconess Kathryn Ziegler Weber. I am so excited!
See the article below to download the first chapter. Meanwhile, here is the table of contents and you may just squeal in delight along with me!
CHAPTER 1: Why? Reflection by Kristina Odom
Bible Study
Study Guide
CHAPTER 2: Shame, Guilt, and Fear
Reflection by Melissa A. DeGroot
Bible Study
Study Guide
CHAPTER 3: Living with Grief: How I Will Remember My Child
Reflection by Rebecca Kearney
Bible Study
Study Guide
CHAPTER 4: Liminal Living: Understanding Who I Am after a
Miscarriage Reflection by Kendra Voss
Bible Study
Study Guide
CHAPTER 5: Learning to Talk About My Loss Reflection
by Kristen Gregory
Bible Study
Study Guide
CHAPTER 6: My Place in the Body of Christ Reflection
by Audrey Daenzer
Bible Study
Study Guide
CHAPTER 7: Forgiving Others Reflection
by Kathryn Ziegler Weber
Bible Study
Study Guide
CHAPTER 8: Talking to God Reflection by Melissa Jones 00
Bible Study
Study Guide
CHAPTER 9: I Believe, Help My Unbelief Reflection
by Stephanie Traphagan
Bible Study
Study Guide
I am so thankful this is the approach they followed. The church needs to address exactly these hard topics. We need to hear from those who have lived through it and do so through the lense and light of Scripture!
From the download, you can also see there are passages of Scripture for meditation, hymn suggestions, prayers, and additional resources at the end. PERFECT!
This, right here, is diaconal writing and I pray it can comfort and equip many! Woo hoo! This makes me want to make a Lutheran resource page listing . . . hmm, what? Human care resources? Topical resources!
Spread the word. Seriously. Too many have suffered from miscarriage. Get it for your church library and your regular library, too! Woo hoo!