Have I mentioned that my husband is brilliant? I respect and admire him in so many ways. His latest thought I have to share, although I daresay entire dissertations could be written about this thesis and its consequences: The Holy Spirit is free to paraphrase Himself as He sees fit.
Monthly Archives: June 2018
Rick Riordan
I do not always read the books I intend to read. Sometimes, admittedly, I take a break and binge-read YA. So, my question for you today is how in the world is Rick Riordan so prolific?!?!
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Shelley Shephard Gray
Looking for more Lutheran authors? Me, too, as always! 🙂 So today I’ll point to Shelley Shephard Gray, who writes about “regular, likeable people in extraordinary situations who just happen to be Amish.”
She is a prolific author so be ready to feed your Amish appetite if you’ve got one!
Amish lit certainly has a big following! Woo hoo for another living Lutheran author!
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Bo Giertz Giveaway
I’m happy to offer a Bo Giertz Giveaway! You probably know Giertz best from his Lutheran novel, The Hammer of God. Happily for us all Rev. Bror Erickson, an LCMS pastor serving in New Mexico, has recently translated Giertz’s Romans: A Devotional Commentary!
Filed under Devotional, Giveaway
To Make Your Congregation a Caring Church
Today’s post is a review of Paul Cain‘s 5 Things You Can Do to Make Your Congregation a Caring Church (You Can Do It series).
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Beta Readers
Ever wonder about how to choose initial readers? I have! So here is the article “How to Choose the Best Beta Readers for Your Book (and avoid the worst)” to help shape your thinking on the subject.
Filed under Publishing, Uncategorized, Writing Tips
Getting Things Done
I’m someone who works in spurts. I am crazy productive and then find myself doing absolutely nothing. It’s not something I respect about myself, ha, so along with nearly half a dozen other books, I started reading Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. Like so many in this world, I need help getting things done!!!
When Someone Dies (for children)
Julie Stiegemeyer is, by all accounts, someone I should have met. Maybe I have. She even looks familiar! Do you ever feel that way? I think we even lived in the same city for a spell! Anyway, Julie Stiegemeyer has long been an author my friends have turned to for children’s books (high praise in itself), so today I’ll review When Someone Dies Find Comfort in Jesus.
Lutheran Romance
Boy, I’m not sure I’ve ever written as many drafts of a blog post as this one! Ha! Who knew talking about Lutheran romance would give me so many angles to write about? But I’ve decided to cut it short. (Too many drafts too close to the deadline! ;)) Maybe I can write about it again, more generally, later. Continue reading
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