Today I review Lutheran author and editor Lisa Clark‘s final installment of The Messengers: Revealed, as well as announce a giveaway winner. 🙂
Review of The Messengers: Revealed
What have you got to lose? It is a powerful question and one, frankly, middle graders on up should ask. We all benefit from considering the question in a God-fearing and God-trusting light. As such, this may be my favorite installment of the three novels. It raises valuable questions, probes into real issues of betrayal, trust, forgiveness, self-righteousness with related temptations, and more.
As the message is getting out, the Christians need to advance toward what is next. What is next? Options! Often difficult! 🙂 Isn’t that how life really is?
Like some other YA, I wish it weren’t only 16-year olds bringing up ideas. The older generations were not particularly impressive to me in how they were revealing or even seeking the Word, but as the point is to encourage those younger than me, it’s not that big of a deal to me.
Some kissing is involved, but it is sweet and innocent. My ten-year old might just disapprove. lol I’m a little confused about how much happened within a single generation, but the book remains well worth reading.
More is revealed, as the world at large re-enters the picture of this otherwise city-centric series, offering more food for thought for young and old alike.
Great work, Lisa! I’ll be keeping my eye out for more books you write!
In other news, the winner of the Sarah Baughman Giveaway, winning a copy of the fantastic book A Flame in the Dark: A Novel about Luther’s Reformation, is . . .
Robert Moeller
Keep reading and writing. Tomorrow I may post some thoughts and reflections about considering two calls. Is that too off the reading-and-writing topic? Let me know. Otherwise I’ll just post what I want to. Mwa ha ha haa