Huge improvements on my Lutheran Educational Resources page!!!!! Check it out and help me to make it the very best it can be!
Woo hoo!!!
Huge improvements on my Lutheran Educational Resources page!!!!! Check it out and help me to make it the very best it can be!
Woo hoo!!!
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Way back in May, I posted about the Lutheran Audio Review, a website that reviews and links podcasts hosted by “pastors, members & partners” of the LCMS. Awesome stuff. LOTS of free information on the website (and thanks to Lutheran author Jordon (J.L.) Vaughan for all the work he has put into it!)!
I’m sharing a writing idea today, revolving around the concept of a matrix. Lutheran matrix? Ok, many an anti-Lutheran, anti-Christian matrix. We’ll see what you think.
Filed under Shared Writing Ideas, Theological reflection
Today, I intended to post about theological poets, but that has to be postponed. I’d like my dad’s feedback on it, but he’s off traveling. Meanwhile, I introduced P.S. Broaddus just over a week ago, and now I’m ready to review the first book in his series, A Hero’s Curse (The Unseen Chronicles Book 1).
Have you heard about the new CPH FaithCourses? It looks like a way to view videos and go through a guide while you read a book, either at your own pace or with a group. AWESOME!
Filed under Bible Studies
Last week I told you about Lutheran author Alvin Franzmeier and how to get a free copy of the first in his Albert and Tillie Mystery Series, The Spiral Bridge. I jumped at the opportunity and today can offer my review.
Filed under Reviews
Jesus stood up. That’s an amazing thing, conjuring a
physical reality and strength we can all marvel at. Yet, so often we overlook the God-Man to see various who, what, and hows that make us more comfortable. That’s a shame and the book, Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up: 12 False Christs, is an excellent antidote for all of our own fallen perceptions and tendencies.
I’m getting my to do list into gear and wrapping up a few things I started, including adding a new educational resources page to my website! Please look it over, DR the PDFs, whatever you’d like. 🙂 And, while I still need to add in some answers and finish some school prep, I’m one more (really big) step toward writing more regularly! Woo hoo!
Meanwhile I found two more free Lutheran resources to post about! Yay!
I know. Annoying for me to hint yet hold out. But sometimes that’s how I manage posts five days a week. 🙂
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Today’s new-to-us Lutheran author is Parker Broaddus, aka P.S. Broaddus, a former student of my folks! (Seriously, Parker, when I mentioned your name to my mother she was so happy to think about you, your family, your brother . . . high and fond praise!).
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Howdy. Just thought I’d give a bit of a summary of where things stand. Thank you to my faithful readers because I had 856 users last month! Woo hoo! Not bad for a niche blog! 🙂
You aren’t a frequent-commenting lot, but thanks for all the private messages and ongoing support. Writers love their readers!
Meanwhile, I’m ahead on reading, but behind on reviewing. Isn’t that life?
I hope to revisit my book of poetry to take it to the next level with self-publishing. (I think I found an editor! Woo hoo!) I’m still stuck on whether it’s long enough (and whether I should go through all my notes to check for “missing” poems in those various).
I’m scrambling to put together some homeschooling resources for myself this year—this is my last week of prep ahead—but I hope to share them here soon. Mostly I’m making a way to catch the little things that slip through the cracks religion-wise in what we teach our kids, but, once taught, will make it easier to be in Scripture, understand sermons, etc.
After that, I need to reconsider the next step for . . . I think three drafts. Sigh.
Am I forgetting things? Probably. I already have this week’s post topics laid out and I look forward to writing them. They’ll include a new-to-me Lutheran author, a post on theological poets, a review, and there’s a new Lutheran book I’m expected to be out any day now. You can look forward to hearing about it. 🙂
PS. For a super random fact of Lutheran trivia, you have GOT to click this link.
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