Let me tell you about the latest book I love: Aslan’s World: Biblical Images and Themes in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, a Bible study by Dr. Angus Menuge.
Review of Aslan’s World
This review will be a bit atypical for me. I am so appreciative of the content that I am downright inspired. This book is great! Use it for a book club, movie club, but even more I want to use this for a family discussion and youth group!
Menuge skillfully connects the warmth and insights of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe with passages of Scripture in such a way that I found it a very deepening experience. I think this will be great for anyone middle school or older.
Seriously. Long road trip? Listen to a dramatic reading of the book and intersperse this Bible study into it! This text is so open to discussion and application that it is both a Bible study and a whole lot of conversation starters! And, don’t we want our families discussing in an untimed environment even more than we want the one-hour studies typically available?
Homeschooling? Think about this as a literary guide for middle graders or older who read or reread the Chronicles of Narnia. There are great resources for going in depth with those books and this may well be a perfect book with which to start.
Thank you, Dr. Menuge! I can’t believe this hasn’t had tremendous reviews before mine!