Not everyone likes poetry and that is fine. At the same time, maybe we can admit that we often like to read rhyming scripts to our kiddos. We like how little lessons can seem a little more learnable. Now, poetry is not always for the sake of learning. Self-expression is the big genre these days, but that is far from refuting poetry as an educational tool. And, as a tool, it can plant a seed, hack a weed, or dig down deep. But, what does that have to do with apples?
There are apples and there are oranges. There are poems and there are POEMS, lessons and then learning. A little lesson can get you started, but where do you go from there? To a cutesy cutout craft? Or do you dig in deeper, answering subsequent questions that arise?
I’ve mentioned that I now want to write poetry to fight heresy. So you can better see what I mean, and just because I really, really want to share this (!), 🙂 here’s a link to something that does that very thing:
I love the teacher’s good intentions and attempted preparation. But I love how the kids come to conclusions others forgot to consider. I love how the teacher wanted an object lesson, but the kids needed an outright lesson. With words. More specifically with words they had already been given!
Life is not neat enough to stop with a little lesson. That’s why I love to see kids dig right in! Ahhh, it does my heart good when my children stump me with their questions. 🙂 “Keep thinking, kids!”
I want poetry to dig in. Delve. Dwell.
To clarify, it is crazy hard to talk and teach about the holy Trinity. It is not heresy to do your best with whatever tools—or book—at hand!! Still, I think we can keep talking, teaching, and clarifying as we delight in the revelation God has given us of Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And, poetry is a great tool for that, embracing a little humor along with the passion and humility typically accompanying such a topic.
I have two (sort of three) books I’ve worked up on the topic, although they are lingering with an curriculum developer right now.
Anyway, keep writing Andrea Schulz! 😀