Today’s post is a review on Lutheran Lori Ehlke‘s first book, as author and illustrator no less (!), Bless This Mess. To sum up briefly, it blessed this mess, which is me.
Bless This Mess Review
Bless This Mess is a very sweet book for young children. At first I wondered if it was too specific to the author’s family. Would my kids still relate? HA! They still think I am the mom and they are the stars. 🙂
I bought this book both because I respect the author and because I have twinnies of my own. My three-year old girls LOVE this! Meanwhile, my older kids, particularly my five year old son, sees positive interactions and patience. Blessed patience!
I love that the book highlights that parents pray for their children. I’ll go so far as to say that this book has helped me to see through some of the chaos of tiny twins to pray with thanks more often. God has blessed this mess. God continues to bless this mess. God will bless this mess. “This mess” just happens to take turns rotating between my littles, my biggers, my home, or me and my life in general. lol
Thank you, Lori, for writing this. I’m grateful it was brought to my attention. You have a fine eye for embracing life and helping others to do so, too, both visually and verbally. Great job!
God, bless this mess, and God, help me to confess that every single day. 🙂