Another big release day! Rev. Tyrel Bramwell, author of the novel The Gift and the Defender, commentary of Finding the Truth in Story (Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Vol. 1), and new children’s book The World of the Wazzlewoods, has added an important voice to conversation about Closed Communion in Come in, We’re Closed.
Come in, We’re Closed Review
Some people literally think that nothing can be said in defense of Closed Communion. Nothing. They’d slam a door in your face before listening to another word. But, the thing is, for those of us who practice Closed Communion, it’s a very positive, loving practice with a wealth of teaching and growth of perspective behind it.
In this novella-length fictional dialogue, a young man is simply able to ask questions about it. Readers may be pleasantly surprised to hear that the narrator himself is not the Closed Communion proponent. Rather, that is a chance encounter with a mysterious older, humble, possibly homeless man. (Personally, I wondered if he would turn out to be an angel in disguise! You’ll have to read this book to find out!)
There are long sections of Scripture woven together beautifully to illustrate the Parable of the Wedding Feast, Closed Communion, pastoral care, the Lord’s Supper, and more. This was an absolutely heartwarming, soul nurturing thing for me read, and I will read it again. And loan it to my pastor. Probably buy a copy for my church library. See about a book club chat, otherwise talk about it with others, etc. 🙂
Now, this isn’t a super academic book. You won’t find a dissertation on the applications of John 6. It’s an entirely different genre from that. What you will see, however, is Closed Communion in one of the many ways we can discuss and delight in it.
Read this and benefit from the Scripture and love and earnestness that we can share with others, even as we strive to bring people to the Lord’s Table. You know, without having them receive and participate in WAY MORE than they realize!
I don’t want to include spoilers, but this book really shed some great light on Scripture. If you want to introduce someone to either a) concepts behind Closed Communion and the Lutheran understanding of the Lord’s Supper or b) if you just want to introduce a person to some good lay-friendly theology, this very well may be it!
Read it. Think it through. It’s well worth it!